Trading for over 30 years, our home improvement business delivers quality products and outstanding customer service to the domestic market. With over 10,000 installations to our name, we would like to think that the range of projects undertaken by our teams, allow us to understand the market place better and helps us maintain a lead over the competition.
Maintaining the admin processes in our business is a key role but demanding one.
With multiple software systems, paper based practices and time consuming tasks we were certainly in the market for that ‘one software package’ to help streamline our activities and also provide us with a link to site activities.
All team members were involved in the review of Onsite 7 and after thoroughly researching the product, felt it would more than suit our needs.
Key admin staff and management can now login into the Onsite 7 console from any location to review customers, jobs, active jobs, completed jobs… is very much a software for all…..and so easy to use.
Our onsite staff can see their assigned jobs, view previous visits such as surveyors notes images, add notes and images themselves and even ask the customer to rate their experience before signing onscreen.
One of the most important aspects that we first impressed us is the ability to prove that our team completed all stages of a project to a specification. This particularly helps when requesting payment for completed works and a customer contests an element of the job.
The team at Onsite 7 are very friendly, helpful and a pleasure to deal with.